Acasă » Vedete » The unseen face of the most toxic influencers! The Tate brothers’ connections to world stars: Bilzerian, McGregor, Morgan & co

The unseen face of the most toxic influencers! The Tate brothers’ connections to world stars: Bilzerian, McGregor, Morgan & co

De: Luciana Polite 31/12/2022 | 11:39

The detention of the brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate is the most commented topic of the moment in the international tabloids, and we can say that, indirectly, it brought Romania’s name back to the forefront. Well-known influencers, the two former athletes have behind them a story that mixes success with misogyny, lack of scruples and grit, all for one goal – escaping from a life of misery.

From Dan Bilzerian to Pierce Morgan, from Conor McGregor to Hollywood stars, Andrew, the rebel of the Tate clan, has met, copied and, as the case may be, „machine gunned” them all.

Andrew Tate or how to get fame by force

If breaking into the world of the rich and famous means banging as hard as you can on the front door, well, we can say that Andrew Tate just smashed it!

Famous only to a certain degree (his father, Emory Tate, was an international chess master, winning many tournaments), Andrew Tate wanted more and more from a young age. He tried sports, acting, anything just to win. Fame and money, money and respect, respect, and fear.

His brother Tristan, also a former professional wrestler, recalled his humble beginnings, long before he became a millionaire. Among other things, in a podcast he told how he and Andrew lived for almost a whole year on leftovers from KFC!

Tristan Tate: „I used to drive a battered Volkswagen Golf. I was going to the KFC in Dunstable (Bedfordshire, England) and I was waiting in the car. Maybe you could never eat the leftovers from someone who put their mouth on them. But at KFC they used to buy buckets and I would sit and wait for the people on the terrace to eat and leave the bucket at the table. And I used to go and get that bucket. I still found three or four pieces of chicken left in there…”.

„I used to collect 20, 30, 40 pieces of chicken that were perfect, left in the buckets from KFC. I would go home and put that chicken in the freezer. Andrew and I would each take a piece, put it in the rice and that was our meal! That’s how we survived then, it was a very difficult year, when I was 21 and Andrew was 22. We were so poor!” – Tristan Tate

Tristan and Andrew Tate. Source: Instagram

Controversial celebrities on social media

Tristan Tate is a star in social media, where he has become one of the most popular influencers. He has over 2.2 million followers on Instagram! His account, @talismantate, opens with the description „European kickboxing champion”.

Social media posts highlight first and foremost, the extravagant lifestyle of the Tate brothers. Driving on the Cote d’Azur in luxury cars (the car fleet includes a Bugatti Chiron), business trips aboard private jets, parties with the hottest celebrities in the world (Dan Bilzerian partied with Andrew Tate this summer in Mykonos), etc.

Not long ago, the Tate brothers boasted earnings of nearly $200,000 per month from recorded podcasts alone.
For example, on TikTok, the total views of the Tate brothers exceed 5 billion! Their popularity skyrocketed due to their remarks about women, money and lifestyle.

Andrew and Tristan Tate were arrested for 30 days. Source: CANCAN.RO

Andrew Tate, „the misogynist of 2022” in the Rolling Stone version

And the one who is considered the ringleader would be Andrew Tate. At least that’s what the tabloid press writes.
The British magazine Rolling Stone devoted an extensive article to Andrew Tate, and the title was – „2022, the year that misogyny was back in fashion”. Here’s what the UK publication wrote about Andrew Tate:

„Despite the so-called breakthroughs in women’s rights as a result of the #MeToo campaign, it seems like everywhere you look these days there’s a dude with a crap beard and a six-figure net worth ranting about the “war on men”. Very few people have thought of Andrew Tate, but he is, inevitably! The former kickboxer and failed Big Brother contestant from Luton went from relative obscurity to one-summer fame, trafficking primarily in extreme misogyny and get-rich-quick schemes aimed at young men.

Why do journalists in the West see Andrew Tate this way? Because he alone chose to walk this path. In a recent podcast on the subject, Andrew expressed his thoughts on feminism by saying that a woman „devalues” herself the longer she remains a virgin!

„Yes, it is different if a woman cheats on a man! It is impossible for a woman to be promiscuous for long enough without devaluing herself! That’s just the way life works, that’s the way things are!” – Andrew Tate

This podcast amassed 1 million views on YouTube within just a few hours of its release.

Andrew Tate is arrested now. Source: CANCAN.RO

Andrew Tate „smashed” Meghan Markle

Just a week before airing these ideas on a podcast, Andrew Tate „smashed” Meghan Markle, commenting on the launch of her Netflix series Harry&Meghan. In this documentary, the couple discuss their experience in the royal family and how racism and bullying affected their ‘fairy tale’ romance right from the start.

Andrew suggested that Meghan’s gut isn’t „black enough” for her to really understand the struggles of the average black person when it comes to racism.

„Why isn’t anyone saying Meghan Markle isn’t black? She is whiter than me. She is whiter than the current Prime Minister of Great Britain. She is whiter than the mayor of London. She’s not even black” – Andrew Tate
„Her claims of racism are absolutely and completely disrespectful to every dark-skinned person who has genuinely suffered from racism”, concluded Tate.

the Tate brothers and their accomplices are arrested for 30 days. Source: CANCAN.RO

Andrew Tate and film industry

If his brother made a career in professional wrestling, Andrew Tate wanted to know fame in the film industry.
He began his career in the film industry at a young age and, according to IMBD, has worked in a variety of TV shows.

In 2010, before becoming known worldwide, he made his acting debut in the TV series „Ultimate Traveler”.
Other than that, he didn’t act in any Hollywood movies, but that doesn’t mean that the „Ultimate Traveller” was his only artistic project as an actor. According to the same source, Andrew Tate has taken part in a number of TV programmes, including NELK Boys and Salim The Dream.

In addition, Tate appeared as a guest on the 17th season of Big Brother UK. There, he faced more criticism from his colleagues for displaying his extreme attitudes and had to leave the show after only six days of participation. It all culminated in the unveiling of a video showing Andrew Tate’s aggressive behaviour with a young contestant on this show.

Before long, „Top G”, as he likes to be called, entered the world of business and podcasting, where he made a fortune and met fame online.

Tristan Tate. Source: CANCAN.RO

How Pierce Morgan was „destroyed” live at chess

Before falling into the hands of DIICOT (Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism) prosecutors, Andrew Tate was a regular guest on the famous Pierce Morgan show. The last time he was called on to debate the topics of the day – from the world of cryptocurrencies to the „Musk-Twitter” case – just a few days before Christmas.

The legendary shows include the one in which Pierce Morgan challenged him to prove that he was truly the son of a former great chess champion. Not only did Andrew agree to play chess with the moderator, but he also „destroyed” Pierce Morgan – checkmate in less than 5 minutes! „Like father like son”, concluded Pierce Morgan, in the applause of the audience.

Who is the father of the Tate brothers

Speaking of the father of the Tate brothers, we must say that he, Emory Tate, a former international chess grandmaster, enlisted in the US Air Force in the mid-80s. Five times he won the military chess championship, a competition among all US armed forces.

In a podcast made by „21 Studious”, Andrew Tate claimed that his father was a hero to him, who instilled discipline in him.

„My father liked the idea of being „Hard to Kill”, do you understand what kind of man he was?! Failure is not the end of the world, that’s what my father taught me” – Andrew Tate

To portray him as faithfully as possible, Andrew Tate recounted that his father was the kind of man who could gamble all his chess tournament winnings in a casino.

Emory Tate was born on December 27, 1958, in Chicago, United States. A former international chess master, he died on October 17, 2015 (age 56) during a tournament in which he was taking part.

What business are the Tate brothers running?

The Tate brothers are two British American entrepreneurs, former professional wrestlers, and social media influencers.

Andrew Tate owns several luxury cars, including a Bugatti Chiron.
1. Casinos

In a Fresh&Fit podcast, Andrew mentioned that one of his sources of income is the casino business.
During his early career, Andrew Tate used to frequent casinos, trying his luck at roulette and blackjack. One day, commentating on a kickboxing gala organized in Romania, he met one of the sponsors of the tournament, who controlled several small casinos in Europe. Andrew proposed a partnership – to open a casino using the Tate brand, but with the businessman’s money.

The business was successful and thus the Tate brothers entered the world of gambling.

2. Hustlers

Hustlers University, as Tristan Tate calls it, is a school that teaches people how to make money. A community that includes the two brothers and a few dozen other members, and their advice contains analysis of the financial market, investment options, data about the crypto world, etc.

The Tate brothers also say they teach their social media followers about e-commerce, copywriting, freelancing, business management and much more.

The community’s „teachers” are said to be personally vetted by Andrew Tate and earn somewhere around $50,000 a month.

On Discord, „Hustlers” has about 100,000 members.

3. Webcam

In another podcast, Fresh&Fit, Andrew Tate talks about the webcam (videochat) business, which they started many years ago, when it was not such a developed industry.

The Tate brothers say they started with two girls, but the business grew at a dizzying pace, so at one point they had 75 women in 4 locations.

At its peak, according to, Andrew Tate was earning about $600,000 a month from video chat.
Tristan and Andrew Tate moved to Romania after ending their kickboxing careers. Here they found fertile ground to launch their businesses in the video chat and gaming industry.

„I was very lucky to have Andrew by my side. I realized that my brother and I have become that figure that many people on the Internet admire in an age where there are fewer and fewer real men” – Tristan Tate.

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Luciana Polite
Luciana Polite este absolventă a Facultății de Litere din cadrul Universității din București. A urmat apoi studii universitare de masterat, „Modele de comunicare și relații publice”, în cadrul aceleiași universități. După o perioadă citeste mai mult
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